I love onions and garlic, but nobody else likes it when I eat them! Certain foods can cause bad breath, and it's so unfair because not everyone has that problem! (Sniffle) Bad breath has many sources, some of which we can change, others we can't. Definitely, we can prevent bad breath by staying away from the foods
that seem to cause it for us. Another thing we can do is simply clean our mouths after eating those foods. The bad breath can also be caused by acid reflux.
As far as food goes, particles of our diet gets lodged in the tonsils at the back of our throats and our tongues. This is the body's way of preventing sickness by developing resistance as soon as it enters our mouths, however, it also means saving a little bit of that smelly food in the back of our mouths, which can cause bad breath. Another way to develop bad breath is to not floss your teeth. In between our teeth, small particles of food can be trapped, feeding the bacteria there for a long time and developing unpleasant odors. As advertised, mouth rinses can help to combat the bad breath, however they do not penetrate very deep into food our in between our teeth. So, in short, avoid bad breath by thoroughly cleaning your teeth by brushing, and if that doesn't work, just avoid having the foods that cause bad breath enough to maintain healthy relationships! Merry Christmas!