We have many examples of ancient architecture that has lasted for centuries and even millenia. The quality, you could say, was awesome, and although the result today is worn and shows its age, it did persist over time. What does this have to do with dentistry?
Well, here at AZ Family Dentistry, we care about quality. We strive to provide the longest lasting restorations possible for each individual. Just like ancient architecture lasted despite environmental forces, the restorations we provide will be subject to the overall adverse environments that are our mouths.
For every example of ancient, quality architecture, who knows how many buildings fell that were of equal quality, but were just subjected to too much environmental force. Imagine how many buildings would still be standing if they had been cared for meticulously and protected from those forces.
As far as our mouth is concerned, the same principle applies: imagine how long we could get our restorations and/or natural teeth and gums to last if we were meticulous in caring for them and protected them from the things that cause them to fail. As oral health professionals, we enjoy hearing about restorations and natural teeth and gums that last a lifetime. Ask your oral health professionals how you can best maintain your teeth, gums, crowns, bridges, and fillings.