Ever notice that when you get tired, your eyes get dry or your mouth gets dry? Well, for most of us, this is our body shutting off the water for the night. This has implications for your mouth and your overall health because your natural oral protector, your saliva, is reduced while you sleep. If you haven't cleaned your teeth well before bed, then the bacteria still in your mouth can have a party all night long! They build up tartar, which are essentially large colonies of attached bacteria to your teeth. This situation can lead to gum disease and more cavities.
Another possible contributing factor to dry mouth during the day is that of dehydration. Many of us don't drink enough water, which may cause a lowering of our immune defenses. Even though it may mean more trips to the bathroom, we need to drink water in order to maintain our health, including our saliva. Cheers!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Grind
Grinding your teeth can cause things like sore muscles when you wake, damage to your teeth, or pain in your jaw joints. Although some of us realize we grind or clench during the day, many times we are doing it at night while sleeping. There may be solutions for you if you are having pain, and you would benefit from having your concern evaluated at your dentist's office. Your dentist may prescribe the use of a nightguard. This piece of plastic helps to prevent tooth damage and may help relieve joint discomfort.
One of the causes of so much grinding done by so many of us is the amount of stress we endure in our lives. A simple home remedy for night clenching/grinding that may help relieve the stress is to perform our own de-stress routine before bed. Whether it is reading, listening to music, or having quiet time to reflect, we need something daily to help remove ourselves from the mental stress we feel. Another great stress reliever can be to do some stretching. Any type of stretching or exercise routine needs to be okayed by your family doctor if you are starting something new, however, light exercise before bed may help you to sleep better and relieve stresses that can develop in our bodies. At the very least, talk things over with your healthcare provider and get as much information as you can about how you are doing so that you can make wise decisions about your health.
One of the causes of so much grinding done by so many of us is the amount of stress we endure in our lives. A simple home remedy for night clenching/grinding that may help relieve the stress is to perform our own de-stress routine before bed. Whether it is reading, listening to music, or having quiet time to reflect, we need something daily to help remove ourselves from the mental stress we feel. Another great stress reliever can be to do some stretching. Any type of stretching or exercise routine needs to be okayed by your family doctor if you are starting something new, however, light exercise before bed may help you to sleep better and relieve stresses that can develop in our bodies. At the very least, talk things over with your healthcare provider and get as much information as you can about how you are doing so that you can make wise decisions about your health.
tooth pain
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Toothache or Sinus Congestion?
Because there is a sinus cavity right about some of our upper back teeth, our bodies can give us the impression that we have a toothache when there is nothing wrong with our teeth or gums. If you are feeling pressure in your sinus cavities and you seem to have tooth pain that comes and goes that isn't very severe, you will want to check with your dentist to see if your teeth are the cause or if there is another explanation. Remember, you are the owner of your mouth, and you make the ultimate decision. So whatever you are told, try to get all the information you need to make a wise decision regarding your oral health.
tooth ache,
tooth pain
Monday, December 19, 2011
Bad Breath!
that seem to cause it for us. Another thing we can do is simply clean our mouths after eating those foods. The bad breath can also be caused by acid reflux.
As far as food goes, particles of our diet gets lodged in the tonsils at the back of our throats and our tongues. This is the body's way of preventing sickness by developing resistance as soon as it enters our mouths, however, it also means saving a little bit of that smelly food in the back of our mouths, which can cause bad breath. Another way to develop bad breath is to not floss your teeth. In between our teeth, small particles of food can be trapped, feeding the bacteria there for a long time and developing unpleasant odors. As advertised, mouth rinses can help to combat the bad breath, however they do not penetrate very deep into food our in between our teeth. So, in short, avoid bad breath by thoroughly cleaning your teeth by brushing, and if that doesn't work, just avoid having the foods that cause bad breath enough to maintain healthy relationships! Merry Christmas!
bad breath,
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Don't forget your toothbrush and floss!
We end up traveling a lot during the holidays to see family or spend time with friends. If you are traveling whether with family or friends or by yourself, you'll want to take along your toothbrush and floss. Our home habits can get completely thrown off by the differences in schedule and location we sometimes experience during the holidays. We also eat food we would normally not eat.
Another important point that is often overlooked when considering our health is the need for a time of de-stressing. Stress can be linked to many medical issues, if not as the cause, then at least a contributor. One tool for relieving stress is to look for and realize the things we have to be grateful for. It takes no skill or talent to identify the negative in our lives, everything we think we lack that we deserve, etc. Many people have experienced the blessing of being brought back from a life-threatening event with a greater appreciation for each day, each happy moment, each breath. This holiday season may we appreciate the small things, and express our appreciation to the ones we care about, the beauty in the world around us, and even strangers who help us. This is the key to a happy, full life!
Another important point that is often overlooked when considering our health is the need for a time of de-stressing. Stress can be linked to many medical issues, if not as the cause, then at least a contributor. One tool for relieving stress is to look for and realize the things we have to be grateful for. It takes no skill or talent to identify the negative in our lives, everything we think we lack that we deserve, etc. Many people have experienced the blessing of being brought back from a life-threatening event with a greater appreciation for each day, each happy moment, each breath. This holiday season may we appreciate the small things, and express our appreciation to the ones we care about, the beauty in the world around us, and even strangers who help us. This is the key to a happy, full life!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
An Erosive Relationship...
Some of us enjoy lemonade as our preferred drink. And you might enjoy an ice-cold Coke or Pepsi, also. There is also a very acidic substance that some of us deal with on a daily basis: stomach acid. If you have acid reflux or anything like it, your stomach acid is probably doing a number on your teeth! In addition, acidic drinks, like soda and lemonade, can make your enamel thin or even etch it away, which exposes the live part of your teeth. If the live part is exposed, then your teeth may be sensitive to temperature and sweets. Although it may be unrealistic to stop drinking soda or sucking on lemons entirely, controlling you diet and what you drink and eat is important to keeping your mouth healthy. There are things you can do if you suspect that your drinks are too acidic. You can rinse your mouth out with water after drinking. Also, you can chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless candy to stimulate your saliva. Saliva is your natural protector because it can buffer the acids in your mouth to a degree. If you have questions about erosion, ask your dentist.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Prevention is Better Than Patching!
If while driving, heaven forbid, you have ever accidentally zoned out and struck another vehicle with your front fender, you know how much easier it is to prevent an accident than it is to pay for one in time and money. Nowadays, we have the luxury of having fenders and our car bodies replaced with new parts, but there was a time when hammering out the dents and using Bondo before repainting were the only options. In a way, this can be compared to what happens when we 'zone out' and neglect our oral health. It costs much less in time and money to prevent the decay or gum disease than it is to patch things up. Most unfortunately, we have no current method to regrow your teeth or your gums/bone, so once we remove the cavity or once the gum disease has taken your bone, we have only the option of patching things up, or cleaning things out, and maintaining the new condition. As your dentist knows, once the tooth is patched, it is susceptible to needing another patch later, often progressing to larger treatment. It is better to prevent than patch!
Monday, December 12, 2011
What if I have braces?
Braces, or any orthodontic appliances, make it so we need to do a lot of extra work to clean our teeth. The metal from the appliances can keep food and bacteria stuck to our teeth easier, increasing our risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. There are things you can do to help clean your teeth with braces. One, you can purchase an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes can help to do more work for the amount of time you brush. There are even inexpensive electric toothbrushes that can help. Flossing can be very tedious when you have to work around braces. Floss threaders can be used, and there are other options that you can ask your oral health professional about. Another vital time to have your teeth checked is after the braces come off!
gum disease
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Getting rid of the tartar...
http://www.lifesambrosia.com/2009/10/homemade-tartar-sauce-recipe.html |
You can do something about tartar to prevent it! As you brush and floss daily, you are breaking up the bacteria so they can't build tartar. Without their removal the bacteria can colonize, and this can lead to active gum disease and cavities. See your oral health professional today to determine any needs you have, and you can ask if there are any areas in your mouth where tartar can get trapped.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Amalgam VS. Composite
What is the difference between composite fillings and amalgam fillings? They are different in color, obviously one being tooth colored and the other being silver. In addition, there are structural differences and differences in placement technique that are important to consider when you are deciding between the two. Silver fillings tend to cost less, however, silver fillings require that a certain amount of your tooth be removed so that the silver will be strong. This means that even if the cavity is small, the filling requires that healthy tooth structure may be removed. A composite filling is bonded to teeth, and can remain small: only the cavity need be removed to restore the tooth. New advances in composite fillings are making them more similar in longevity and strength as silver fillings without having to drill so much of the tooth out. Ask your dentist to recommend a filling material to you according to your individual needs.
Monday, November 28, 2011
"But my teeth aren't bothering me at all..."
Even though your teeth may not hurt, they still may have something like a cavity or fracture developing that is best to treat early. Early treatment is usually more conservative, leaves more natural tooth structure, and is less costly. The cost-effectiveness of prevention is much less than the cost of fixing things that are to the point of causing pain, and don't wait if you have a toothache because it won't get better on it's own: there will always be an underlying threat of severe infection.
tooth ache,
tooth pain
Friday, November 25, 2011
Perhaps one of the largest contributors to gum disease in recent years is smoking. Smoking, like diabetes, causes the blood supply to the gum tissue to decrease, leading to lessened healing. Remember our mouth usually heals rapidly when compared to tissue outside of our mouth. With less blood supply, gum tissue is more easily overrun by bacteria. Also, smoking can cause a dry mouth, which the bacteria love: they grow more rapidly without saliva to wash them away. Finally, smoking is one of the leading causes of oral cancer.
A crash course in the process of gum disease is as follows: first, the bacteria build "soft houses". This is the fuzzy feeling on our teeth that we want to brush off when we notice it. If given enough time, the bacteria build "hard houses" otherwise known as tartar, or calculus. This is similar to the build-up found in old plumbing. Most of us will remove the bacteria when we feel the fuzziness, but when gum disease is present, we cannot clean deeply enough to remove all the bacteria, so they are free to keep building. This, in turn, causes more swelling and deeper pockets, which trap more bacteria. All of this bacteria must be cleaned out by a professional at your dentist's office.
There are resources to help you quit smoking, which will save your mouth from the nasty side effects and definitely cost less from both the cost of buying smokes and the cost of repairing the damage done.
A crash course in the process of gum disease is as follows: first, the bacteria build "soft houses". This is the fuzzy feeling on our teeth that we want to brush off when we notice it. If given enough time, the bacteria build "hard houses" otherwise known as tartar, or calculus. This is similar to the build-up found in old plumbing. Most of us will remove the bacteria when we feel the fuzziness, but when gum disease is present, we cannot clean deeply enough to remove all the bacteria, so they are free to keep building. This, in turn, causes more swelling and deeper pockets, which trap more bacteria. All of this bacteria must be cleaned out by a professional at your dentist's office.
There are resources to help you quit smoking, which will save your mouth from the nasty side effects and definitely cost less from both the cost of buying smokes and the cost of repairing the damage done.
gum disease,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Gum Disease
On the left we have unhealthy pocketing, and on the right, we have healthy gums. |
Many people have planned on having dentures when they were older, even though there is a very real possibility that we can all keep our teeth for our entire lives. When we don't have cavities all of the time, the reason for losing teeth is probably due to gum disease. Gum disease can be a slow process, and our mouths heal fast enough that they may prevent us from experiencing pain. The picture above illustrates how with gum disease, pockets are formed between our teeth and gums by bacteria and their byproducts. The catch is that once a pocket has formed, more food and bacteria is trapped and the condition can worsen. Research is showing more and more that there are implications for other disease in our body that can be effected by gum disease in our mouths. A long-lasting inflammation in the gums is unhealthy, and the body shrinks the bone away from the irritation to protect itself. Over a lifetime, the shrinking bone is too little to hold in our teeth. All of this can be prevented by regular visits to the dentist to evaluate how we are cleaning our teeth at home and if there are any trends of gum disease occurring.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Keep the SeeSaw at Your End!
Good oral health may seem to come naturally to some people and seem completely out of reach to other people. Like many seemingly impossibilities, oral health is possible for everyone who understands how our mouth is like a seesaw!
On one end of the seesaw is the bacteria, and on the other side are the things we do to combat the bacteria. The bacteria tip the seesaw to their side when we eat because the bacteria eat what we eat and then produce acid. We tip the seesaw to our side when the acid doesn't effect us. We can do many things to tip the seesaw to our side, which will prevent cavities and gum disease. Here are five things we can do to make sure the bacterial acid doesn't win:
1. Sugarless gum or candy. For the first thirty minutes after eating we are most susceptible to acid, so we can combat it with chewing sugarless gum, sucking on sugarless candy, or at the very least swishing with water. Anything to promote our saliva, which acts as a natural acid buffer.
2. Promote saliva. On that same note, our saliva is our natural protector from cavities and gum disease, so if we are taking medicine that gives us dry mouth as a side effect, or if we just notice that we have a dry mouth, we should do things that make saliva, keeping our mouth wet as often as we can, perhaps discussing changing medications if possible, or cleaning our teeth frequently to prevent the build-up of bacteria.
3. Brush and floss. Brushing our teeth and flossing between our teeth both mechanically remove build-ups of bacteria. The less bacteria, the less acid can be produced.
4. Fluoride. When we use fluoridated toothpaste, we are helping remineralize places where the bacterial acid has demineralized our teeth. The acid produced by bacteria can make small white spots on our teeth that are whiter than our natural tooth color. These "white spots" can be a precursor to cavities, so if you see white spots on your teeth, have your health professional evaluate them.
5. Regular visit to the dentist. As previously posted, getting your teeth clean is more than just a gimmick: at the dental office, your teeth are cleaned below the gums to a degree, and all of your teeth, gums, and bone levels are evaluated to let you know as soon as possible of any trends you should be aware of.
These five suggestions can help to keep the seesaw on your side, in other words, the bacterial acid will be neutralized.
On one end of the seesaw is the bacteria, and on the other side are the things we do to combat the bacteria. The bacteria tip the seesaw to their side when we eat because the bacteria eat what we eat and then produce acid. We tip the seesaw to our side when the acid doesn't effect us. We can do many things to tip the seesaw to our side, which will prevent cavities and gum disease. Here are five things we can do to make sure the bacterial acid doesn't win:
1. Sugarless gum or candy. For the first thirty minutes after eating we are most susceptible to acid, so we can combat it with chewing sugarless gum, sucking on sugarless candy, or at the very least swishing with water. Anything to promote our saliva, which acts as a natural acid buffer.
2. Promote saliva. On that same note, our saliva is our natural protector from cavities and gum disease, so if we are taking medicine that gives us dry mouth as a side effect, or if we just notice that we have a dry mouth, we should do things that make saliva, keeping our mouth wet as often as we can, perhaps discussing changing medications if possible, or cleaning our teeth frequently to prevent the build-up of bacteria.
3. Brush and floss. Brushing our teeth and flossing between our teeth both mechanically remove build-ups of bacteria. The less bacteria, the less acid can be produced.
4. Fluoride. When we use fluoridated toothpaste, we are helping remineralize places where the bacterial acid has demineralized our teeth. The acid produced by bacteria can make small white spots on our teeth that are whiter than our natural tooth color. These "white spots" can be a precursor to cavities, so if you see white spots on your teeth, have your health professional evaluate them.
5. Regular visit to the dentist. As previously posted, getting your teeth clean is more than just a gimmick: at the dental office, your teeth are cleaned below the gums to a degree, and all of your teeth, gums, and bone levels are evaluated to let you know as soon as possible of any trends you should be aware of.
These five suggestions can help to keep the seesaw on your side, in other words, the bacterial acid will be neutralized.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Is It Really Just a Cleaning?
"I have my cleaning at the dentist tomorrow..." Although we may have been raised calling it a dental cleaning, the truth is that much more is going on than cleaning. Like getting your oil changed as needed, going to the dentist regularly for a "cleaning" is actually much more. The auto mechanic checks other fluids, asks if there are any concerning noises, malfunctions, etc., and examines everything for any other needs your car may have. Well, when you see your dentist for your previously agreed upon maintenance visit, you are either given a clean bill of health, or a plan of action is discussed to bring your oral health back up to optimal. Also, the cleaning that is performed ensures that even the spots you can't reach are cleaned. By this we mean deep in between your teeth and gums where your tooth brush doesn't reach. In addition to the cleaning, however, the teeth are examined for any decay, the gums and bone are examined for any trends of recession or inflammation, and any of your concerns can be discussed. So a "cleaning" is really an oral health maintenance visit! Don't worry, if you get behind on your maintenance, you can always get back on schedule.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Who's in Charge?
Ah, the '80's...many of us recognize the phrase "Charles in charge" from the sitcom made famous by an in-house, male sitter. Although we may not select someone like Charles to make decisions for us, it can be tempting to have someone else take responsibility for big decisions.
It is wise to realize early that each of us is our own best healthcare provider. If we stop to think, it is ironic that we make many decisions about our health without consulting anyone: whether to smoke, floss our teeth, or overeat. Because the physicians, nurses, and doctors we see are caring individuals, we can sometimes fall into the habit of expecting them to "fix" whatever problems we may have caused through our decisions or lack of discipline. Our healthcare providers will even try to meet whatever reasonable expectations we have, however, make no mistake: we are responsible for our own health.
So next time you see your doctor or nurse to discuss any treatment, make sure you understand what is going on, that you have all of your questions answered, and especially that you make the decision for yourself.
gum disease
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Is Halloween Better Than Thanksgiving?
Monday, November 14, 2011
Utilize Your Dental Benefits
With the end of the year quickly approaching remember to use your dental benefits. Any benefit provided by your carrier that is not used by the end of the plan or calender year is LOST! Also remember your flexible spending accounts where money could be lost if not used! Be proactive!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
If you are concerned with overall health read this!
The health of your mouth has a direct connection with your overall health! Studies have found that plaque levels and periodontal (gum issues) have a direct connection with other body health issues like: stroke risk, diabetes, plaque in your heart as well as many others. So many people eat right and try to stay healthy but forget to see the dentist regularly! when is the last time you saw a dentist?
Monday, November 7, 2011
Bleaching your teeth!
Our office offers a lifetime bleaching system for $180.00! This means you can whiten and brighten your smile and keep it that way! We believe that take home professional bleaching is the way to go. In office "quick" bleaching systems can cause some severe sensitivity and if not properly applied can cause some gum issues.
Our System is safe and very effective, safe and gentle! We have seen some pretty dramatic changes!
Our System is safe and very effective, safe and gentle! We have seen some pretty dramatic changes!
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