Monday, November 21, 2011

Is It Really Just a Cleaning?

"I have my cleaning at the dentist tomorrow..."  Although we may have been raised calling it a dental cleaning, the truth is that much more is going on than cleaning.  Like getting your oil changed as needed, going to the dentist regularly for a "cleaning" is actually much more.  The auto mechanic checks other fluids, asks if there are any concerning noises, malfunctions, etc., and examines everything for any other needs your car may have.  Well, when you see your dentist for your previously agreed upon maintenance visit, you are either given a clean bill of health, or a plan of action is discussed to bring your oral health back up to optimal.  Also, the cleaning that is performed ensures that even the spots you can't reach are cleaned.  By this we mean deep in between your teeth and gums where your tooth brush doesn't reach.  In addition to the cleaning, however, the teeth are examined for any decay, the gums and bone are examined for any trends of recession or inflammation, and any of your concerns can be discussed.  So a "cleaning" is really an oral health maintenance visit!  Don't worry, if you get behind on your maintenance, you can always get back on schedule.

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