Recently, some news channels have been making claims that there is a link between dental x-rays and the most common type of brain tumor. Unfortunately, how the news is explaining it, it sounds like if you get dental x-rays, you are going to get a brain tumor. A careful look into the actual research study shows that the results are not clear. Since the study shows that there was a higher risk for one x-ray than for multiple x-rays, and because it relied on a person's memory to describe how many x-rays they had, it would be wise to wait and see if further studies come out that more clearly show a link between x-rays and brain tumors. Remember, x-rays from many years ago exposed people to lots more radiation than the digital x-rays of today. In fact, see the chart here from the American Dental Association's website. In the chart, normal x-rays to see between your teeth at your cleaning appointment are a very small amount of radiation. Getting x-rays taken are important to ensure good oral health for your teeth, gums, and early cancer detection. The researchers who produced the study even agree that x-rays are important, and that we should all be aware of the risks and benefits.
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